Are Jesus and God the same?

Sunt Isus și Dumnezeu aceeași Persoană?
Throughout history, Christians have used the phrase “Trinity” to communicate the biblical truth that there is one God who is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of these persons is fully God and each is distinct, yet they are one God. To state it another way, the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Each is God, and together they comprise one God. So yes, Jesus is God, but He is not the same as the Father or the Holy Spirit.

Since God is love, won’t He take all of us to Heaven?

Dacă Dumnezeu este dragoste, nu ne va lua El pe toți în Cer? It's true that God is love, but He is not only love. He is also holy, righteous, and just. He cannot allow sin into His presence and He must punish sin. Every person has sinned against God, and sin separates us from God. No one is good enough to work his way to Heaven.